Monday, December 3, 2018

Elder Allen Week#16 Hola! 
It's been a good week, this email will probably be a bit short, not much has changed since last week. On Tuesday Elder Jones and I had a visita de trabajo, which meant two relatively new gringo missionaries spending the whole day together, it was pretty crazy, but we got some good work done. We're about to finish our 12 weeks of training, and it's pretty crazy how fast the time has gone. 
Familia Nieto keeps having problems, so no new updates on them really. But on the bright side, we found another really great family of three! Familia Villegas, they came to church yesterday, and have been keeping their commitments. I contacted Hmna Maribell on the street with my favorite manera, cual es su favorito plato. So that was fun. Her daughter is 16 and has two kids, so that's pretty crazy. They're ready for a change in their lives, so I think they'll do well these next couple of weeks. 
We somehow had 8 of the people that we are teaching come to church, which is crazy. Especially because church is at 830 in the morning haha. We haven't seen much success in the way of Baptisms and Confirmations, but we've been doing well otherwise. As long as you are obedient and work hard, the blessings will come. Not in your time, but they will come.
This week we watched a video a couple of times with the people we are teaching, and it's one of my favorite video's/ talks of the church. It's the Music of the Gospel, by Wilford W. Anderson, and it's all of your homework to go find and read it or watch the video. I think for a lot of people, especially the youth of Utah, we tend to dance without the music. And that's a hard thing to do. So go read the talk, and ponder it. Think about what you need to change to hear the music. A question that relates to that pretty well, is are you living the Gospel because its good, or because it's true. Any reason to live the gospel is good, but it's so much more real, and so much easier when you realize that this is all true. 
But yeah, that's basically it for the week. Sorry, it's a bit short, hopefully, something exciting will happen next week we'll see haha. Love you all! Thanks for the prayers! 
Elder Allen

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