Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Elder Allen Week#3 Hola Amigos y Familia!

This was probably the most spiritual week of my entire life. On Thursday we were able to go to the temple again (got to see the old video, that was fun), and it was awesome! Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to go again while I'm here. On Friday, Elder Bednar came and gave one of the best devotionals that I have ever listened to. I could write a book about it. It was awesome. He didn't actually prepare a talk or anything like that. He led a discussion. The topic was mostly directed to Faith, and what Faith is. And all in all, he taught that faith leads to action, that with faith you can find the answers to your own questions. In that way, he taught everybody exactly what they need to know. He taught us that we don't necessarily need other people to answer our questions, because if we have the faith and put in the work, we will receive the revelation that we need to answer it ourselves. 

A quote from Pres. Bennett that I really liked is "If faith isn't moving those mountains, grab a shovel and start moving some dirt". It's important to do whatever the Lord asks of us. 

The other reoccurring theme of the week was the Restoration. In Bednar's devotional, he told us that the gospel is not restored (preterit tense), But that it is being restored (Imperfect/progressive idk). There is still so much that God has yet to reveal for us, and we have been told by many prophets that these next years that are leading up to the coming of Christ will have some of the greatest miracles God has ever worked. I don't know about you guys, but I'm excited for that. We also watched Joseph Smith, the prophet of the restoration, and had a discussion on him. I gained such a stronger testimony that he is a prophet of God. In the Doctrine and Covenants, it says that Joseph did more for the building up of the Kingdom of God on Earth than any other man, save Jesus. And I believe it. We also learned more about Emma Smith, and how even though she fell away from the church in the end of her life, that she still did so much to help build the kingdom. I love learning about the early days of the church. So many great people and prophets. 

Other than the feast of spiritual knowledge, the week hasn't been anything crazy. We're kind of just getting into the schedule now. I'm halfway done with my time at the CCM! That's crazy! We started playing a game called Guess the Latino- There are two teams in the district, and one person from both teams is the Latino who can only speak Spanish. You have to guess the other teams, so everyone just speaks Spanish so they cant find out. It's honestly so much fun. Some guys in my district picked a flower and planted it in a Mtn Dew can and put it in their room, so that's pretty awesome. Also, our anthem is Ye Elders of Isreal by the Lower Lights. 

And time is seriously broken. I've been here 3 weeks, but it somehow feels like 2 days and 2 years all at once. It's going so fast, but also so slow. It's really weird. 

There's honestly not much more to write except a little more about my district. My Companion is Elder Humphreys, and He's the District Leader. He's a fun guy, reminds me a lot of Dallin. Except he's from Texas, so yeah. You can imagine. I room with Elder Brown and Elder Manning, and they're tons of fun. Elder Nebecker and Phillips are pretty much Sean and Gus from psych, Phillips even tap dances so yeah. Despain and Peterson are awesome. Martin is a super funny guy, and Rockwood had longer hair than me before he came out. Hermana Boyd and I have like the same personality, but we're also like the completely opposite person, and Hermana Kim and I have this ongoing joke that we're related (She's Vietnamese (But actually Californian)) Because I found out that my Sweedish ancestors were also Kims. It's really hard to put these people into one line, it doesn't feel right. They're my best friends now, and they're all so unique and awesome people. I wish you all could meet them. 

The CCM is awesome. Three great meals a day, awesome teachers. We live legit the farthest from anything you can get, in casa 35. We're the oldest district in our zone now, so that's pretty weird. We're on week 4 now, it's crazy how fast (and slow) time has gone.

A few last things:

Go to https://www.missionarypackagemx.com and write me a letter. It's free, I can get them and read them any day of the week, and that way I'll have more time to respond and stuff while emailing. Pleaseeeeeeeeee  I want to hear from you guys. My district is 13F and mission is Peru Lima West (and if you know Spanish, write me in Spanish)

and lastly, I found a golden scripture. 1st Corinthians 11:14 - Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?-- When I get roasted by the Bible

I love you all so much! Sorry that the photos didn't work last week, I'll try and get them to all work now. If you want to hear more spiritual experiences from my week write me a letter and I'll get back to you, because I have a ton. Miss you all, hope all is going well at home! Til next week! Remember that God loves you!

-Elder Allen 

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