Monday, October 22, 2018

Elder Allen Week#10 Hola Familia y Amigos!

It's been an absolutely awesome week, and it started with Companion Exchanges on Monday. I left with Elder Alegre at 6, stayed at their casa (So much nicer than mine). It was fun to see another missionaries style, and how he works. We walked a ton. Up a huge hill. But it's all good, I need the exercise. 
Elder Viera and I found a great family that night. They're awesome. The Paralta. The father took the first lesson about a year ago, and it didn't go anywhere, but since then he was in a bad car crash and lost use of one arm. It's pretty sad, but it's helped him become more humble. He's still a little ify on the lessons, but his family is fantastic.I'm excited to see where that all goes. 
Wednesday was absolutely fantastic. After only 4 weeks in the field, I got to take my first trip to the temple. We had to get up at 3:40 am on the downside. But it was soooo worth it. I love the temple so much. It's my favorite place on earth to be. You can feel the spirit so strong, and I received so much revelation. Man, I can't wait to go back. That day we also had interviews and a devotional with Presidente Stauffer, and he is fantastic. Truly a servant of the Lord, and he understands and cares for all of his missionaries so much. Not to mention that he's a great teacher, and I learned a ton from him. 

The rest of the week has been kind of a blur, not going to lie. We gave three Priesthood blessings in the span of an hour, so that was fun. It's hard Spanish, but I got through it. 
I got to watch a few sessions of Conference, and I'm looking forward to being able to study it more. I got to watch with Elder Jones on Sunday, and after that, we went on splits for a bit. It was fun to be able to take the lead in the lessons, but it was hard. 
Sorry, I don't have a ton to write about this week, but of course, I'll finish with some spiritual thoughts. 
This week has been a little rough for Elder Viera, he doesn't want to go home. He dies in January. The thing he says he's going to miss the most is the power to be able to promise blessings in the name of Jesus Christ, and that got me thinking of how wonderful of a gift and responsibility that is. It's crazy that God would entrust something like that to a bunch of 18-year-olds, but I'm so thankful for it. It's built my testimony a lot so far. 
One of the thoughts of Presidente Stauffer was on Peace. In life, it's really hard to find peace of mind. When you just know that it's alright. It's hard to explain, but I testify that it's real, and one of the best places to find it is in the temple. But more often, we will have peace of conscience. A knowledge and trust in the Lord that it will all be okay. That doesn't mean that times won't be hard, but it means that we have a rock we can rely on. And I am so very grateful for that rock, My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
Sorry, I didn't write much this week, but I love and miss you all! Have a great week! Study Conference!
Elder Allen

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